The International Foundation program is intended for the individuals who are looking for a chance to acquire passage and study Advanced education Capabilities in locally, UK  and abroad. This program is focused on speakers of English as an unknown dialect who need to work on their scholarly and general English Language and improve their investigation abilities and comprehension in the field of Business, Advertising, Law, Accounting & Finance and figuring at a suitable level. This is important for fruitful examination on a scope of degree subjects identified with The board, Business, Promoting, Money, Law and then some.

Units & Credits

Unit Number Unit Credits
IF/01 English for Academic Purposes 30
IF/02 Introduction to Business and Marketing 20
IF/03 Business Economics 15
IF/04 Introduction to Business Law 15
IF/05 Management Accounting 10
IG/06 Business Statistics 10
IF/07 Introduction to Information and Communication Technology 10
IF/08 Introduction to Computing 10


This qualification is equivalent to the following:

  • BTEC National, Certificate/Diploma, Vocational A-Levels.
    An ONC (Ordinary National Certificate) and OND (Ordinary National Diploma) are both broadly comparable to a Level 3 qualification.


The link for the General English Test 

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